I’m saddened to read the announcement this week from The Law Society stating that, “there were already 124 fewer criminal legal aid firms than in 2019 – a drop of 10%”.
I worry about the criminal legal aid industry as a whole, not just in regards to funding and the future but clients and access to justice. I’m also not sure there will be enough firms looking to bid for the tenders in each area when the next round is announced.
For those firms needing any assistance about future strategy, work generation and generally developing their firm, I am always available for a free chat on the phone or over email.
For those of you who may not know me, you can find out more about my background here, having previously been a Director a law firm with 20 offices which had a large amount of Criminal Legal Aid work. Whether you are a fee earner, head of department, partner or owner – feel free to reach out for a chat.
For anyone looking for advice on getting more work during the current COVID-19 situation, you can read our guide here.
Visit the original article from The Law Society here: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/news/press-releases/120-criminal-firms-have-collapsed-with-more-to-follow/
– Ben Trott, MD