Welcome to the second in the series of legal marketing interviews. Today we have expert insight from Aleesha Khan from Miami, Marketing & Business Development Manager at Hogan Lovells US LLP.
How did you start in legal marketing?
After graduating from law school in Canada, I moved to Miami, Florida but was not licensed here. I wanted a position that would allow me to use my law degree without practicing law, and with the help of a recruiter, I discovered the business of law. I’ve never looked back!
How has the industry changed since you started?
As the industry has moved from profession to business, the way that lawyers think about marketing has evolved from “puffery” to an integral part of running their business. Our function as legal marketers has similarly transitioned to serving as strategic advisors to upper management, and ultimately to the bottom line of the firm.
What’s the best thing about working in marketing for a law firm?
The people, from renowned trial lawyers to up-and-coming associates. Legal minds are fascinating.
What do you think law firms could do better in terms of marketing?
Firms have to make sure they are focusing their marketing resources on the most efficient projects, as identified by their goals. You need a plan, and you need to measure your success against the key performance indicators that you’ve set.
How important is marketing for a legal practice?
In an ultra-competitive market full of highly qualified lawyers, marketing is what sets you apart. Without it, you know that you’re a great lawyer, but no one else does.
What is the legal marketing community like in the Miami?
I’m on the board of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) in South Florida – we have a great group of legal marketers who meet regularly for professional education and networking. We also like to socialize – join us June 21 for a summer solstice happy hour if you’re in Miami!