
Case Study: UK Law Firm – Exceptional Google Ads

Client: A leading law firm based in the UK with a focus on international clients.


Challenge: The law firm was struggling to generate leads from international clients and wanted to expand its reach beyond the UK. They had a website, but it wasn’t optimised for lead generation, and their online marketing efforts were not delivering results.


Solution: We worked with the law firm to develop a new landing page design that would be optimised for lead generation. The landing page featured a clear value proposition, compelling copy, and a prominent call-to-action button that encouraged visitors to fill out a form to learn more about the law firm’s services.

To drive traffic to the landing page, we created targeted Google Ads campaigns that focused on the law firm’s key service areas and targeted international audiences. The ads were designed to appeal to potential clients who were looking for legal advice and services in the UK.


Results: The marketing campaign was a huge success, generating over 200 leads in just two months for a total spend of £1870. The conversion rate for the landing page was high, and the law firm was able to follow up with some of the leads, turning them into clients.

The Google Ads campaigns performed well, with a click-through rate of over 14.7% and a cost-per-click of around £0.21.

We were able to help the law firm achieve its goal of expanding its reach internationally and generating new leads and clients for its services. The high-converting landing page design and targeted advertising campaigns proved to be a winning combination, delivering a significant return on investment for the law firm of over 390% within a very short time period.

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