Instagram for Law Firms

With the rise of social media, brands and companies alike have been making the most of these platforms in order to reach new and existing customers as well as potential employees. Instagram is not always the first option you would think of, but it boasts over 22 million users in the UK alone and is well worth looking into for your law firm.

Managing social media for lawyers comes with its own unique set of challenges. All sectors are increasingly using social media as an essential part of their marketing strategy, but among law firms, the competition for clients is particularly fierce.

To build an effective online presence and win clients and prospects from your competitors, you need an effective social media strategy. It’s also used quite effectively for growing a following amongst potential new recruits.

Your social media strategy should tackle multiple platforms, but it is a time consuming and expensive in-house process. Outsourcing it to the experts for a low monthly cost creates efficiency. We work closely with you to tailor our campaigns to your specific goals.

Free initial discussion and quote

For a free initial discussion about your social media marketing campaign and for a no obligation quote, please call us on 0115 8700443 or email

We make projects and implementation as smooth and professional as possible. You will have our expertise and management every step of the way.

Employer brand

Instagram is one of the best ways to get potential new recruits in your field or specialism following your brand. We can target both junior lawyers, law students and local lawyers on your Instagram.

It’s difficult to get over how your law firm culture is on a website or recruitment page. Using Instagram means you can share social and event photos and videos. This means that potential recruits in the area can see a window into your firm and the reasons why they might want to join your firm. With the right strategy that can help attract talent from junior lawyers to partners. Attracting talent to your business is an area that all firms should be investing in.

We are seeing more law firms and barristers chambers moving onto the platform and growing their following. Contact us to find out more about how we can help grow your Instagram employer brand and account.

How to get noticed on Instagram

As a lawyer, chambers or law firm, it can be difficult to imagine how or why you would use Instagram. Instagram is a visual platform, based on pictures and videos but the law is not a product that naturally lends itself to imagery. This is why the platform lends itself to developing the employer brand side of your business.

At the same time, it’s clear that using images well significantly improves the effectiveness of social media networking and that’s not just true of Instagram, but across all the major social media platforms.

Photo and content ideas

Instagram gives people a peek behind the curtain and personalises, in a visual way, the business of law and your firm culture.

We recommend keeping your posts about the people in your firm if you don’t necessarily have anything visual to share. For many law firms, the obvious choice is to focus on their staff. Pictures of happy staff at events or meetings literally give the firm a face and help create a perception of approachability. Trips to court, media appearances, individual spotlights and social events are the best way to grow your following.

You could also show pictures that give an impression of life behind the scenes e.g. pictures of staff getting an internal or external award or share a picture of your new senior associate alongside a picture when they started the firm.

Charity involvement is another good topic to post about and your work in the community also makes great content for sharing.

Other good visual topics to consider:

  • Award ceremonies
  • Graduate social events & employee social events
  • New starter and promotions
  • Press releases with images
  • Sponsorship

General Recommendations for Law Firms Using Instagram

Professional services industries rely profoundly on building great business relationships and the legal sector is no different. Posting a picture on Instagram presents a professional image of your firm and your team, which can strengthen your reputation in the eyes of existing and prospective clients.

  1. Always Start with a Plan

Think about what you want to achieve on the platform and what you expect as a return for your investment. Consider what is realistic and form a plan that will directly help you achieve your goals.

  1. Don’t give legal advice but encourage users to contact you

There is a difference between sharing legal information and advice. When you receive comment on posts, users will often ask legal questions. It’s important to respond in a friendly and understanding way, but we generally recommend sending them a private message, directing them to contact you for a consultation.

  1. Use general hashtags.

Most Instagram users, along with a picture will use hashtags. Using relevant hashtags can widen your exposure considerably by showing your picture to users who are browsing similar images in the discovery section.

  1. Use location hashtags.

If you’re targeting a local market, using a location hashtag will help you filter out potential clients among the masses of content on Instagram. Geo-tag your pictures to attract local attention and engage in location-specific marketing.

Build The Right Audience

Instagram can be an excellent tool for marketing your law firm on social media. Showcase your hardworking team and provide real information on reported judgements, cases, deals and highlight positive work you are doing for the community, along with new services you’ve started offering.

If you’re not used to using a social media platform, it can seem like an extremely challenging world to navigate. However, Instagram is worth the investment because it has a vast user base and studies have shown that images attract more attention than plain text when it comes to social media. If you need some help working out the kinks and peculiarities of Instagram, don’t worry we are here to help you each step of the way.

We agree a month by month plan with you and help grow your following. We all know social media platforms are good for search engine optimisation (SEO) as well.

It is likely that your competition hasn’t taken advantage of Instagram for marketing and recruitment purposes yet. Get ahead of the crowd, start an account, and let us help you grow your following.

At Marketing Lawyers, we can help you formulate a plan to manage your social media presence to bring real value and return on investment.

How to get in contact

For a free initial discussion about your social media marketing campaign and how we can help, at a time that suits you and for a no obligation quote, please call us on 0115 8700443 or email

We help law firms wherever they are based and not just in the UK.